Generating Ideas - What sort of review would I like to write?

 Things I want

  • A Dog
  • A PlayStation Five
  • A Girlfriend
  • A mounted flat screen tv
  • A trampoline
  • Tickets to Disneyland
  • The ability to write stories without sucking
  • A door that actually closes
The Jury's Still Out
  • Thor: Love and Thunder (Was it a bad movie even though I enjoyed it?)
  • What's my fashion sense?
  • Do movie critics' opinions really matter?
My Media and Obsessions
  • The Dark Knight
  • The Prestige
  • Arrow
  • Agents Of S.H.I.E.L.D
  • WWE 2k22
  • Panic! At The Disco
  • My Spotify playlist/music in general
  • YouTube
Things that bother me
  • Fortnite (I hate that game)
  • TikTok (I hate that app)
  • Justin Bieber songs 
  • Repetitive noises (Timer going off, an alarm clock, a microwave)
  • Wet floors 
  • Dull pencils
  • Video Games Crashing
  • MATH
Why can I not go a day without listening to music?
    I was the weird one in my family. Both my parents grew up as big music lovers and listened to their favorite bands on their iPods all the time. My older sister would blast her favorite songs all the live long day and sing obnoxiously to them. And then there was me. The boy who didn't listen to music at all. It's not that I didn't like listening to music, it's just that I didn't. I didn't care about it enough to listen to a song all the way through. That is unless it was a Disney song.
    I totally grew up on Disney. It was me and my sister's childhood. We watched all the classics! Aladdin, the Lion King, Snow White, Mulan etc. I've memorized those movies because of how much I've watched them, but I know all their songs even better! For some reason, those were the only songs I listened to until I was like, fourteen! I'm not kidding! I was kind of a freak back then. 


  1. I really enjoy the name of your blog. It is funny that you said you don't like Fortnite and tiktok because those are like the most popular things at the moment, Maybe not Fortnite anymore. I think its a cool thing to have a musical household like you did, music is without a doubt very powerful. A word of advice for becoming a writer who doesn't suck, believe in yourself and don't let other peoples opinions negatively affect you. Use your emotions in your own favor and don't allow anyone to make you feel a certain way about yourself. I believe in you because I believe in myself.

  2. Thor- Love and Thunder , I can tell you one thing, It seems like they were forcing comedy in the first 30 minutes of the movie, but overall the movie was great. I also like The Dark Knight, even the recent movie about Batman was amazing, to say the least


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