Why should anyone care?


  1. When we feel like we can't do anything to fix big issues in the world, we as people either A) go into a depression, B) become pessimists and claim that the world can't be fixed, or C) contribute to the problem because it'll be the next generations issue to deal with (Ex: Pollution, climate change, etc.) One problem I think that really needs to be fixed is the racism and just overall division our country has over subjects and politics. "You don't think you could ever do anything about it, do you?" Jimmy asked me. "Well, I'll be honest with you," I started. "It'd be a very difficult issue to fix. I mean, racism has been an issue forever at this point and while it's not as bad as it used to be (segregation and all that crap), it's still very present to this day. I do think it could be fixed though. Would it take time? Heck yeah! It would take a very long time to fully 'fix' but I think anyone, and anything can make difference if they just try." 
  2. Pollan answers his own question of "Why bother?" by just explaining that if we as humans "bother to try, find ways to provide for ourselves without diminishing the world." He basically believes that we can still try to help or solve any problems merely by just trying. He also believes that our relationship with the planet need not just be "zero-sum". 
  3. We can become better as a society just by uniting and actually attempting to fix the issues with the world without fighting with each other over who's right and wrong, and what way something should be done. 
  4. I think what made Pollan's essay work so well was that he used the comparison of gardening with his question so that he could use all sorts of analogies. I think the best way to get my point across in the essay is to use multiple examples regarding my topic and what it's done to people in our country. 


There are a lot of problems in this world that need to be fixed, but the one I think we should really focus on is division among our country. Whether it's regarding racism, political stance, sexuality, everyone seems to be against each other for some of the dumbest reasons. (Not saying the examples above are dumb reasons to be against each other) One of the main reasons our country is divided is because of conflicting beliefs and worldviews best explained from an article on Thoughtscreatematter.com. 


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