Blog Dive Into Dystopia

 1. I feel that dystopian novels have such an appeal to readers because a lot of people are drawn to darker genres. They want to see how life could go wrong in a very specific way compared to how life is now. Hunger Games, The Divergent Series, they are both examples of very popular dystopian stories that have completely different types of dystopias. 

2. According to the article, teenagers find dystopian articles appealing because they almost feel like they themselves live in a dystopia. The rules don't always make sense, school doesn't make sense, their parents don't always make sense and yet, they're expected to abide in any commandment their given. They see the dystopian novels as a realistic view to what they experience every day. (Albeit on a much more extreme level)

3. After watching the trailer, I can tell that something horrible happened in this world. ("We've never seen a flu like this..." or whatever they said in the trailer) That's what's similar to other dystopian novels I've read. What was different from those other dystopian novels is the fact that it seems like these people in this world are trying to live their best lives even though joy has been seemingly sucked out of the world. Most dystopian novels are very serious and focus on the doom and gloom of everything that is happening, but this trailer shows many different people just smiling and trying to find joy in a joyless world. It's very interesting to me. 


  1. Even though I kind of agree with answer 3, just because they portray a lot of smiles doesn't mean the movie isn't dystopian because the happiness is temporary.


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