Journal Dive into Station Eleven

1. Reading that epigraph immediately makes me think of other dystopian novels because this book is obviously going to be pretty dark. There's going to be a lot of darkness overshadowing the characters and the places surrounding them. 

2. I think this novel opens up with the scene of the actor dying on stage because the author wants a tone set immediately. She wants you to know what exactly the tone of this novel is going to be. It's still pretty early but I'm intrigued by the characters. Obviously after reading the plot of the story, I know that Kristen is the protagonist, and the first two chapters introduce her as a scared eight-year-old who will most likely change a lot in the next twenty years of the story. I feel Javeen might have a bigger role later on in the story as he was one of the few people who had an actual name in the first chapter. Is he going to get sick since he was right next to Arthur? It's also kind of scary how everyone in that bar died in the span of three weeks. It's sad, but I'm kind of into it. 

3. "Of all of them there at the bar that night, the bartender was the one who survived the longest. He died three weeks later on the road out of the city." This quote is perfect for setting a dystopian theme for the story because when you think about it, three weeks is not a very long time! It shows how fast people are dropping like flies from this deadly form of the flu! I'm excited to see how messed up society is in the next chapter, and I mean that in the least sadistic way possible.


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